Obama says in dulcet tones. “Do not be afraid, my former VP, this doddering, incontinent, sham of a man is now your president, he was a good student. Tech and media need to be more incestuous than they already are. Faceless minions in cubicles at twitter, google & facebook are now your masters. THEY decide what is true. THEY control what is true, what has value, how you make your income. What THEY say is right. THEY control whether a politician, news anchor, businesses small & large, and whether a tv show, is good and correct. They control the President of the United States as surely as the (fictional) Manchurian Candidate. Shut up and SUBMIT”.
YOUR opinion means nothing, you control nothing. Who knew when Twitter started with its non-threatening, innocuous little blue bird, and facebook where you have “friends”, that they would come to wield the power over who gets elected president of our nation? Who knew it would provide a means to meet like-minded people who’s sole interest is to tear America down….to riot, loot, pillage and burn. Twitter and Facebook had/have the power and expertise to block the online collaboration of ANTIFA & BLM’s to murder, commit arson and riot. Or at the very least provide law enforcement intelligence regarding the crimes and conspiracy to commit them.
I had to check my usage of the word “pillage”. Cambridge Dictionary defines the word Pillage as: to steal something from a place or a person by using violence, especially during war:
Turns out to be quite accurate and apropos. Anyone who observes the villainy, theft, outright lawlessness thinks, then states “this isn’t a war”… is blind or complicit.
A male “oppressed person” on YouTube is caught on camera exiting a broken window outside a posh Beverly Hills merchant. His arms full of dresses, he states, “we muh fuckin’ getting’ ours”. How this young man correlates his theft with 1) reparation, 2) receiving payment for what is due, 3) stealing back what is rightfully his, isn’t clear. What is clear is thousands of blacks have taken a video of a man resisting arrest, already at deaths door succumbing to an overdose of fentanyl, as an opportunity to riot, loot & plunder. We didn’t hear Obama saying “this could be my uncle” or some such horse crap this time. Thank God! But we did hear from him. After saying that Biden wasn’t good enough to be president by withholding his endorsement. He now says he’s golden, and walks on water, the best America has to offer.
With the theft of our last election from the duly elected president by Dominion Voting Service (DVS) and a smart code author Eric Coomer our country has been plunged into a high tech banana republic. A country’s election on which Jimmy Carter (see Hugo Chavez’ Venezuela) would gladly put his stamp of approval. We are well and truly on a downward spiral George Orwell would immediately recognize. Our Republic is at an end. The lawless electorate has elected a corpse. Biden is the puppet corpse Kamala Harris will use to gain the presidency and forever change our Constitution. Anyone who thinks otherwise is stupid or complicit.
We are now firmly on the road to Socialism/Communism lite, and reparations. The black lives matter agenda, the anti First Amendment, anti Second Amendment (followed by gun confiscation), anti- Fourth Amendment, hell the whole Constitution was written by stupid old white guys they screech….throw it out! Time to invest in precious metals lead, copper & brass.
Now our Supreme Court has refused to hear any argument. They have abrogated any Constitutional duty. They’re failure to even consider the merits of the First Amendment suit brought by President Trumps lawyers is anathema to their original Constitutional duties. This sets the table for revolution. Good people will have to do terrible things.