As the Bible says: "those that have eyes let them see". I’ve watched with stomach churning disdain
the activities of Communist/ Socialist minions, and Soros tools of Occupy Wall
Street. Assuming their motives are true,
the enemy they seek isn’t to be found on Wall Street, but K Street. The location where lobbyists and Congressmen
broker power… our national power.
We have begun to be conquered from within just as the
Soviets said they would do. They have a
50 year plan whereas the former United States had a hand to mouth
attitude. The Soviets plan was to
overtake capitalist Amerika from the ground up.
As the very persuasive Van Jones said, “Bottom up, top down, inside
out”. They’ve done it in incremental
steps; the insertion of a pro communist school board member here, the hiring of
a teacher there. And while this is going
on; the Unions were taken over by communists too. SEIU, UAW, UCWA, and they have a voice with
this president. They’ve bought and paid
for him.
Teachers who have our children 7 plus hours a day pushing a
pro gay, pro union, anti religion pro government, pro Communism agenda very
subtly and not so subtly. I used to
catch huge inaccuracies in the text books my daughter brought home from school. And when I brought these to the attention of
the teacher, 90% of the time he/she said “I didn’t know that was in
there”. But there were also those that
blindly taught lies and half truths. I
actually ran across an entry that the US was the aggressor in WWII against
Japan and that we were just looking for a place to test our new nuclear
Thankfully not enough time has passed for us to entirely forget the events of
The enemy has numerous fronts on which he assails us:
1 1)
By forcing incompetent teachers on us and halting their termination via
Unions and the NLRB (National Labor Relations Board).
2 2)
Unions indoctrinating workers as soldiers in their army, beating and
killing those that would not join, and forcing non union workers out of any
market. Or forcing them to be members
regardless of will.
3 3)
Government- The State Department is full of
career diplomats and under workers, who quietly influence policy in foreign
affairs. They are not changed when the
POTUS changes. So policy does not
change, regardless of the beliefs of the party or person in power. Frank-Dodd legislation that forced banks to
provide loans to those that could not afford them, then Investment firms
encouraged to sell these investments to people overseas and in the US, to keep
them afloat.
4 4)
Entertainment- The trend for Hollywood types to
believe that their voices are more important than those that are ELECTED has
become de rigueur. Susan Sarandon, Alec
Baldwin, Sean Penn, Madonna, Lady Gaga (are you kidding me?) all see a USA that
is wrong at every step, and moves to halt any action not liberal enough for
them through power of personality.
People who believe that these people are the last word on morality,
religion, and politics are sadly mistaken and misled. 99.99% of the time these people are intentional
and ignorant shills for Hugo Chavez, or Mahmoud Ahmedinejad and their ilk. They contribute boatloads of money to liberal
candidates through philanthropic foundations made up on the spot, and then give
money to people to give to the candidates in a shell game intended to thwart
the Federal Election Commission.
5 5)
As an aside…
In all likelihood we now have Iranian manufactured missiles tipped with
biological or chemical warheads, using North Korean guidance technology based
in Venezuela pointed at the US. How’s
that for Globalism.
6 6)
Community Organization- ACORN started out in
poor neighborhoods paying people to vote, and vote often. OWS funded by the Tides Foundation (George
Soros). Why hasn’t this manipulative
piece of cow dung been apprehended, ALL of his assets seized and sentenced to
prison? Can you say treason and
sedition? These antiquated ideas need to
be brought back. The idea that you can
say anything and do anything anytime because you are rich and famous needs to
end. I understand frustration. The idea that I spent my time in the military
fighting a Cold War that isn’t over and still needs fighting but from within my
own borders is frightening.
enemy is within the pale.