President Bush has been under the delusion that telling the truth and letting the truth speak for itself is sufficient to let people know his stance on issues. It’s abominable that he feels that he has to justify his actions that were previously accepted by the “majority” of the country. The fact that his integrity, faith, and sincerity have constantly been bombarded by liberals has made him wary. When a President of this caliber says something, it should stand on its own merits; unlike when
The Democrats, assail the truth with falsehoods and impugn the office and the person of the President at will. They do this armed with nothing but lies and vitriol. The malignancy of the souls of these people amazes me. In their book, right is wrong, good is bad, and righteousness is evil. They truly wouldn't know the facts if they were forced to eat them raw; which may not be a bad idea. Where the hell does the idea originate that our troops are bad and should not be believed over Al Qaeda, and Iraqi insurgents. You know the answer to that, “only in the minds of the Democratic left". The belief that going to war with a despot who foments terror in his own people by killing them by the thousands is bad, only originates with the Democratic part and those on the left. The necessity to gain permission from the United Nations after numerous failures to act on something they never would have acted upon is something that is bereft of the liberals. How many times does a member nation have to thumb its nose at the authority of the UN, or lack thereof, before any action is taken? The
The fact that the President must reiterate his Security Plan for the
You need only reflect that one of the best ways to get yourself a reputation as a dangerous citizen these days is to go about repeating the very phrases which our founding fathers used in the struggle for independence.
-- Charles A. Beard
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