Are the Benghazi murders, IRS attacks, 1st, 2nd, 4th and 10th Amendment violations any less relevant because the media wants us to look at
Trayvon? It's television magic. Administration and Media sleight of
hand. America is outraged (we should be) at
the rising medical costs associated with Obamacare. The unions feel
betrayed (they were). The Obama Administration wants you to keep your
eye on race, and gun control and off of the violations at the IRS, the
violations BY the DOJ and Eric Holder and the
lies and complicity of the White House. In addition to the constant
trampling of our Constitution by Obama and his leftist buddies in
Congress and the Main Stream Media (MSM).
Congress threatening to repeal procedural rules that have been in
force for 100 years simply to shove through Obama and the "Self Defense"
trial of George Zimmerman has been misrepresented as a "Stand your
Ground" trial. Stevie Wonder believes it's about
Stand Your Ground and refuses to come to Florida as long as this law is
on the books. Well good, never liked him much anyway. Liked him better
when he was "little" Stevie Wonder. Al Sharpton wants you to believe
it's about race and SYG. Jesse Jackson wants
to surrender American sovereignty to a corrupt United Nations. We have
riots and protests all over the US because of a righteous verdict
delivered by 6 women in a Florida court. They saw ALL the evidence.
They didn't view it through the lens of race.
Meanwhile, 40 murders in Chicago
over the same period of time and no outrage. Black on black crime
apparently isn't as important as a white man defending himself. Neither
is the murder of 13 month old Antonio West of Brunswick,
GA in an attempted robbery. The poor child was shot in the face and
died in his mother's arms.
Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Sheila Jackson,
Charlie Rangel, Marcia Fudge, and the embarrassment of Frederica
Wilson. Race-baiters all. Unrepentant race card dealers. Some slick,
some not so much.
(combine these some how) Those that are
in office cannot be allowed to remain there paid with our tax dollars to
foment racial animus. If you are tired of being called a racist when
you've bent over backwards, paid through the
nose and given up your rights to protect yourself, family and
property, then now is the time to make your presence felt. Speak up
when lies are spoken, stand up when asked to perform your duty as a
citizen (read the Constitution). Go to City Council meetings,
call your Representatives and Senators...FREQUENTLY. Learn how to use a
fax machine and email.
Our own Eric Holder with Presidential carte blanche is withholding
George Zimmerman's weapon because he believes our US Justice System
didn't work. HE'S WRONG. I'd have to take my shoes off to count the
number of things our current AG is wrong about.
Hell, I'd have to take off the shoes of everyone in my family to count
that high. (not really, I can count). Fast and Furious put guns in the
hands of drug cartels that murdered an ICE agent. He's complicit in
that crime and has yet to even acknowledge it
to the family of the agent. He's known to be guilty of a
Constitutional violation in regards to seizing and tapping AP's
telephones, as well as Fox News. He refuses to appoint a special
counsel to investigate the Benghazi attack in protection of his boss.
These are just the ones that come to mind with no research. Eric
Holder is wrong; we're not cowards because we won't have an honest
conversation about race relations. He and his boss are cowards because
he refuses to work within the confines of the law.
This site is a collaboration between my daughter and editor Angela and myself. She orders my thoughts and makes me seem lucid. Lucidity not being a requirement to write.
Monday, July 22, 2013
Yes the verdict was important, but...
Comments by IntenseDebate
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