Sunday, February 12, 2006

Monkey In the Mall

The Monkey is in the Mall.

They must honestly dream crap up to be mad about. While we are a willing market for their oil, the truth of that statement is quickly changing. The major nations of the world are frantically looking for ways to wean their countries from the dependence on oil. They market oil to us then tell us our presence there isn’t welcome. They want our military to help defend them but won’t protect us while there. Or once the immediate threat is over they want us out….NOW!
They want our technology but don’t want to have to talk or deal with us or Jews to get it. They come to us with one hand out and a knife in the other. They behave like animals and when called on it, they act more animal like. Cartoons for god’s sake!? We are not Muslim and as such are not bound by Muslim law. We in the democratic world have and value freedom of expression. The main cartoon in question shows a caricature of Mohammed with a turban that has a bomb in it or is turning into a bomb. I think this is a telling commentary on the believers of Islam. That their patriarch and founder would condone the use of bombs on innocents, and is justified in its depiction. The Muslims setting fires and killing people for the crime of illustration are hypocrites. There are numerous depictions and caricatures of the Prophet in England and the University of Tehran. And the ones that set fire and riot because some Muslim boys were killed for stupidity (hiding in a dangerous electricity power station) in France are hypocrites and stupid. Again we want all of the freedoms but none of the responsibilities of a democracy. At the drop of a hat they have and will put a picture Mohammed crushing a figure of Christ or a star of David in a newspaper. Or shout kill the crusaders, kill the infidels. While I’m for tolerance, it’s a two way street.
I for one think we should no longer have to put up with this hostile and childish behavior, from Iran, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, and the Pakistani people. I guess the fact is not lost on President Musharraf. After Pakistan exported its nuclear technology to Iran they felt responsible and to a point a little guilty for being such buffoons, akin to giving a hand grenade to a monkey and turning it loose in the mall. It must be one of the reasons why Musharraf is supporting the US in its war on terror, because the genie is out of the bottle so to speak. Or rather the monkey is in the mall.
Their intolerance is manifest in everything they do. From the imams who preach death to the infidels (uh, that’s you and me). To the insurgents who would rather blow up people of their own religion (notice I didn’t say sect) just to make sure America fails.
Oh yeah the Sunni Shiite thing is simply a turf war. Who is or was in charge after Mohammed died. This is highly elucidatory of the kind of people who flock to Islam. Such warlike posturing and infantile behavior, is the norm of people who will not be drug into modern society. The intolerance I’ve had a tough time with. I can understand not wanting to have lewd and poor behavior broadcast via TV, radio and the internet to your children, which occurs in the US and worldwide. The way to do this is through nonviolent means. I.e. boycotts, demonstrations (nonviolent), editorials not calling for destruction but change. I know sometimes I am viewed as a hypocrite because I condone the killing of despots and tyrants. But, some people need killing. And I’m not squeamish about my choices. But, religious persecution simply because you believe in God differently or choose to deny God altogether? The thought is abhorrent to any civilized person. Which I think comes to the crux of the problem. I believe in God and respect your right not to. I believe that Jesus Christ is the son of God. And will do everything I can to help you get to heaven. They are not civilized nor do they want to become civilized. They want everything right now and they want it their way. The election of a Hamas controlled government by the majority of the so called Palestinians (which are in fact Western Egyptian or Jordanian), is a wake up call. They refuse to be governed by any but their own corrupt brand of government, and have sworn to kill all Israeli’s, because they want Jerusalem as their capital and all of Israel. And they have the means to get it if we falter in our resolve. Palestinian mothers breed homicide bombers at a rate greater than Israelis can kill them. Iran is supplying them with zealous fervor, money and the bombs to strap to their chests. Encouraging mothers to send their sons and daughters to their deaths then paying them for their contribution of a smart bomb to the cause. Ahmadinejad is that monkey in the mall and needs to caged and disarmed. The young people of Iran need also to stand up and fight back against indoctrination and persecution, with America’s support. Because the support certainly won’t come from the European Union or the United Nations.

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