Unions, the gang warfare in our streets condoned by congressmen, and our President.
Fox News' contributor beaten by union thugs completely missed by ABC, MSNBC, and CBS
Women and elderly people running for safety because union members tearing down a tent providing refreshments to union members. (That's smart) However, tt's Standard Operating Procedure for the top 3 main stream media outlets to bypass leftist, communist activity that affects Americans daily. Anything that doesn't fit the template for their liberal world view. For instance we had a Congressman, I repeat A CONGRESSMAN calling for blood relating to Wisconsin's reigning in of the budget by allowing employees to select whether or not they had to join a union to work. Not a peep. Not a whisper. The silence was deafening. If you think I'm biased against unions, you're right. In Chicago I had an uncle burned to death in his home because he was trying to feed himself and his family by union members. Unions were once beneficial, however they became a money and power hungry monster in the 30's. Infiltrated by Communists, in the late 30's and done with a vengeance in the 1950's. Their aims are still to take over America, and they are doing it by getting into teacher's unions, teaching our children, influencing the curricula, placing the professors who write books in academia, slowly forming a generation amenable to
Hostess is another victim of union greed. As well as the 18,000 more victims who now have NO employment and NO hope of getting anything near the salaries and wages they were earning at Hostess. Now Hostess declares bankruptcy. yay for unions. Another step towards Communism.
This site is a collaboration between my daughter and editor Angela and myself. She orders my thoughts and makes me seem lucid. Lucidity not being a requirement to write.
Saturday, December 15, 2012
Awaken Sleeper
The time is well past to awaken. We cannot regain our rights
without removing the people in power by educating the electorate.
Indoctrination began in kindergarten and is taught throughout the lives
until everyone is in lockstep with the new majority. The people who
vote themselves, as R.A. Heinlein said "bread and circuses".
Government without restraint is what we now have. A President
circumventing Congress and the will of the people through Executive
Orders. As the orders would not hold up under public scrutiny and
Congressional debate. We have a President who believes that Executive
Orders are followed all over the world.
A government without restraint is tyranny. Tyrants must be removed,
and once removed replaced with Constitutionally mandated governmental
order. This administration is bordering dictatorship. The unwieldy,
expensive, invasive behemoth that is our government which has been
created over the last 100 years must be corrected. Our President
regularly hosts terrorists and sanctions racism throughout our nation.
Weak leadership and the go along to get along mentality has got to stop. We are haemorrhaging and nobody knows how to stop the bleeding.
Weak leadership and the go along to get along mentality has got to stop. We are haemorrhaging and nobody knows how to stop the bleeding.
Friday, December 14, 2012
Mentally ill boy shouldn't have been on the street. Access to guns also a bad idea. But, to my knowledge automatic weapons weren't used. I suppose any method of murder is heinous by its very nature. More so when children are involved. If Lanza had chained the doors and set fire to the school idiots like Murdock would outlaw chains, matches and locks. Focus on Hollywood jamming violence down children's throats, parenting, mental health awareness. Sadly intelligence isn't a requirement when jerking knees are involved. We didn't get here in one great bound, we were led slowly down the path.
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