I am in favor of two Constitutional Amendments.
1) Term limits.
These power whores have got to learn to wean themselves from the
government tit. And,
2) A Balanced Budget Amendment, they need to start
doing that for which they were elected.
However a purge must happen,
there are too many in power now that will NEVER leave, and have ulterior
motives for being in office in the first place. (See the Czars, and
Obama cabinet members). Joe McCarthy, may he rest in peace, had it
right. This is the USSR's 50 year plan if people would open their eyes
to the truth. Educators, Unions, Local offices and up the food chain to
the White House, UN and beyond. We are peon's now, but we must awaken
before EVERY liberty is gone.
This site is a collaboration between my daughter and editor Angela and myself. She orders my thoughts and makes me seem lucid. Lucidity not being a requirement to write.
Friday, April 27, 2012
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
Holder Fails
The execution of the office of the United States Attorney
General by Mr. Eric Holder is a farce. His sole purpose in office is to further the cause and agenda of Mr. Barack Hussein Obama. Which is to tear America apart from the inside out. He who has eyes let him see.
A.G. Holder failed to act on voter intimidation by the New
Black Panther Party (NBPP), in Pennsylvania, where members of the NBPP stood outside
Philadelphia polling places with clubs ensuring votes for Comrade President Obama.
His failure is abysmal. His failure to act correctly after notification and probably to approve the BATFE’s “Fast and Furious” gun running campaign, in which thousands of guns were purchased in U.S. gun shops and expedited to Mexican drug cartels. Lying to Chairman U.S. Representative Darrell Issa on the House Oversight Committee is perjury at the most and obfuscation at the least. A.G. Holder is in CYA mode.
A.G. Holder fails to indict the leadership of the NBPP for
inciting riot in Sanford, FL. Fanning the flames of racial hatred following the
shooting of Trayvon Martin by George Zimmerman.
A shooting, I might add that of which all the facts are not yet known. Rep. Frederica Wilson (who lent such gravitas
at the recent hearings on race and the shooting with her pink rhinestone encrusted
cowboy hat), can be relied on stoke the flames racial hatred in our once great
No crisis is complete without Tawana Brawley’s savior Reverend Al Sharpton, and Jesse Jackson, both race baiters of the first order. They do their job well. While the coffers swell with offers of financial support by their oppressed brethren, they stoke, they speak, they inflame.
No crisis is complete without Tawana Brawley’s savior Reverend Al Sharpton, and Jesse Jackson, both race baiters of the first order. They do their job well. While the coffers swell with offers of financial support by their oppressed brethren, they stoke, they speak, they inflame.
A.G. Holder holds court over a “nation of cowards”, when it comes to race relations. Refuses to prosecute when warranted, and wonders why we are careering towards a race war. “Never fail to exploit a crisis”.
Especially one the Obama Administration creates.
Shabazz calls for bloody revolution. He may just get his wish.
Tuesday, April 03, 2012
Trayvon's Sad Demise
Trayvon Martin’s death is a tragedy any way you look at
it. It is tragic that he is dead. It's a tragedy that his family has so much pain. I understand this. But to try and assuage it through finger shaking and playing the blame game until all the facts are known, is the wrong direction. It’s tragic that so many of his family and fellow blacks
want to exploit his death for financial gain and to further their agenda.
What is the agenda you may ask…?
1) Tie law enforcement’s hands.
2) keep the race card in the deck, keep Rev.(s) Al Sharpton
and Jesse Jackson employed.
3) further the gun control crowd’s agenda, and ultimately repeal
the 2nd Amendment.
4) in the long run get Barack Obama, Fredericka Wilson, and
Corrine Brown, re-elected.
How you may ask? By
making whites feel guilty….again.
Shaprton and Jackson are both parasites. Grave worms, blood beetles. Wherever human misery occurs, they are there to feed. It's sad that most blacks don't see this and continue to support these barkers of doom and death.
Zimmerman whether he
shot in self defense or not will no longer have a life. In the court of black public opinion, he is
guilty and should be hanged. The
investigation isn’t even concluded yet the blacks in Sanford and Washington
D.C. have all decided sans evidence, that he is guilty of murder, stalking, and
racial profiling. Further employment in
public in the United States is forfeit,
if he lives.
Criminal charges should be brought against Spike Lee, Rosanne
Barr, and the New Black Panther Party, by the U.S. Attorney General, but like
the last time the NBPP broke the law, it too will be ignored.
A Civil suit should be brought against the above mentioned
people on behalf of Mr. Zimmerman whether or not he is found innocent. Vigilantism in the United States is illegal. Again “the facts are as yet not known”.
The lone witness who refutes this story cannot be known
publicly. If he or she were to become
known, they too would suffer the same fate as poor Trayvon, although not at the
hands of a neighborhood watchman. At the
hands of the friends or family of Trayvon, or our friendly neighborhood New
Black Panther Party. I’m sure the attention
to this case has stopped any further witnesses coming forward.
The one witness we know about says that Mr. Zimmerman “without
a doubt” was the one calling for help as he was attacked by poor Trayvon
Martin. How does that jibe with what his
girlfriend was hearing on the phone?
Was the phone call recorded?
Did Mr. Zimmerman screw up?
Hell yes!
He should have stayed in his SUV and waited for the police.
He should never have turned his back on the suspect.
I am white and will relate an incident of racial bullying….I
was handled once. Once. It will never happen again. I was in charge of an Air Force mission to
test communications between our National Command Authority and missile launch
facilities and THE Airborne Command post.
Before the mission I said “lets go boys”, meaning “let’s all go to the
airplane and fly the mission”. But two
of my crew members happened to be black.
I was immediately called for it.
“Whatchu mean ‘boys’?. I meant
all males going to fly this particular mission.
They (the two black crew men) immediately took offense to the
phraseology, and played with me. They
PLAYED with me. Knowing exactly what I
meant (lets go fly), and exactly who I had directed the statement to (all males
within the sound of my voice). They took
feigned racial offense to my direction.
I was a new NCO and aware of the racial climate in the U.S. military
immediately backpedaled. I stewed on
that for a couple of days. Then went to
the individuals separately and spoke to them of my concerns. KNEW that I had been HANDLED, and I had been
taken advantage of simply because they knew they had me over the “racial” barrel.
Blacks get to run roughshod over anyone
and everyone they come in contact with.
The race card is forever in their pocket.
The main tragedy is that black children are growing up without adequate supervision. The males donate sperm and disappear. This is the main cause of failure in the black community. That and the diminished role of God. The latter can be said of whole the United States.
Florida’s stand your ground law will likely be altered or altogether repealed if the NBPP thugs and Brady Bill anti-gun advocates get their way.
Trayvon grew up in a
community that believed that it was cool to be "ganststa". Because his father wasn't around to say 'no', and correct the behavior, assuming his generation wasn't so polluted as well.
Mr. Zimmerman grew up in a community that
thought it was good to be law abiding.
Our national New Black Panther party believes that they are not Americans
and that “street law” trumps our Constitution.
Malik Shabazz and Mikhail Muhammad are criminals the same as Muhammad Atta, differing only in degree,
Inciting to riot, hate speech (still protected) and vigilantism.
Roseanne Barr and Spike Lee fall into the same category, all three need
to be brought up on charges. Barr and
Lee for being an idiot, and Muhammad for being a violent idiot.
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