This site is a collaboration between my daughter and editor Angela and myself. She orders my thoughts and makes me seem lucid. Lucidity not being a requirement to write.
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Standing in front of the Monkey cage
How can you stand in the shit storm that is the Blagojevich scandal and not get any on you? Hmmm Barack? Hmmm Rahm? The picture that keeps going through my mind is what happened to me in Air Force Basic Training, while on a day pass toward the end of training we went to the San Antonio zoo. It seems that the monkeys in cages love to throw poo at blue suiters. One of the fun things to do was get a rube from your sister flight to walk with you across the firing range of the monkeys and stand behind them when the missiles hit/ or throw them in front as the case may be. Inevitably some got on you. Which leads me to the question...Democrats, investigating Democrats, clearing Democrats without any outside observation. Nobody here but us chickens. This whole thing (the Obamavich affair) needs a non partisan Justice Department investigation.
Sunday, November 02, 2008
Russia the Rogue
Why is Russia supplying Iran with Nuclear technology? Why is Russia supplying Syria with weapons? Granted, they are cash-strapped, twisting arms in Belarus and Azerbaijan, and holding Europe hostage all as a result of the mob (see KGB/GRU) running the government... not because of the lack of capitalism. The capitalists went to Russia in droves after communism fell in 1989, and started to make some money back on investments but soon found that the "good ole boys" network was now translated into Russian. If you didn't grease the right palms or pay the right bureaucrat you didn't get to do business there. The evil people of the Communist regime are still around and they are making and selling arms and technology to our enemies. Just ask Alexander Litvinenko ....oh, I guess you can't. Well we can always depend on a free and independent media to uncover governmental misdeeds, just ask Anna Politkovskaya...oh, I guess you can't ask her either. She and Alexander are in a tea room in heaven. Apparently "Seeing his (Putin's) soul" doesn't translate to watching his hands sticking knives in your back. It appears Russia’s biggest export is thugs. Poor GWB wants to believe people have the best intentions, except when they tell you they want you dead, (see Ahamdinejad). Why does no one believe him? Hell, I do. And I think he should be dead instead of me and my family.
In a country where such things are done with no accountability, no oversight, or maybe with official oversight, what else can we expect? We see governmental misconduct unchecked by any official committee or watchdog group, unless you count Human Rights Watch, which turns a blind eye to anyone but the United States and GITMO. How do you reign in a strong member of the UN Security Council who is in cahoots with China on policy for oil and nuclear proliferation? You don't. The old question "where does a 900 lb gorilla sit?" fits. They still have the brain power to export their expertise to other countries without the all encumbering conscience that should go with it. We have a program to basically buy Russian nuclear weapons paying Russia not to sell their nukes to other bad guys, but apparently we are lowest bidder (terrorists pay more). We've got our fingers in so many holes in the dike, that we need to take off our shoes and use our toes.. Admitting Israel into NATO is a good start letting those who would do harm know how civilized nations feel (getting Muslim-influenced Europe on board will be a chore). It also has the consequence of propping up the only Democracy in the Middle East. This should be done sooner rather than later. Enough kowtowing to Syria and Iran and now Lebanon, the only thing they understand is destruction and superior force. Pelosi has undermined US policy in the Middle East the same way Kennedy did with Russia when Regan was in office. Just a rant. Sorry I’ll be more coherent in the future.
In a country where such things are done with no accountability, no oversight, or maybe with official oversight, what else can we expect? We see governmental misconduct unchecked by any official committee or watchdog group, unless you count Human Rights Watch, which turns a blind eye to anyone but the United States and GITMO. How do you reign in a strong member of the UN Security Council who is in cahoots with China on policy for oil and nuclear proliferation? You don't. The old question "where does a 900 lb gorilla sit?" fits. They still have the brain power to export their expertise to other countries without the all encumbering conscience that should go with it. We have a program to basically buy Russian nuclear weapons paying Russia not to sell their nukes to other bad guys, but apparently we are lowest bidder (terrorists pay more). We've got our fingers in so many holes in the dike, that we need to take off our shoes and use our toes.. Admitting Israel into NATO is a good start letting those who would do harm know how civilized nations feel (getting Muslim-influenced Europe on board will be a chore). It also has the consequence of propping up the only Democracy in the Middle East. This should be done sooner rather than later. Enough kowtowing to Syria and Iran and now Lebanon, the only thing they understand is destruction and superior force. Pelosi has undermined US policy in the Middle East the same way Kennedy did with Russia when Regan was in office. Just a rant. Sorry I’ll be more coherent in the future.
Monday, May 05, 2008
Good Fences Make Good Neighbors.
A fence keeps unwanted people out of my backyard, keeps what I do private, keeps what I don't want to see on the other side...protects my property. The Great Wall of China, the Berlin Wall, Hadrian's Wall, prison walls, walls in an aquarium for God's sake. These walls did what walls are supposed to do, keep people in or out. So why are people (read Democrats and some Republicans) saying the wall won't work? We know one thing, no wall doesn't work. Sparse patrolling of the area doesn't work, partial enforcement of laws against illegals certainly does'nt work. So why in hell don't we try that which any of us who has a backyard that is fenced in knows works? Because illegal aliens ILLEGAL aliens, not LEGAL aliens, (law breakers) have family here who vote or vote themselves. They are a growing constituency. Growing more rapidly every day that fence remains un-constructed. It's well past time to "BUILD THE DAMN FENCE"!--
A fence keeps unwanted people out of my backyard, keeps what I do private, keeps what I don't want to see on the other side...protects my property. The Great Wall of China, the Berlin Wall, Hadrian's Wall, prison walls, walls in an aquarium for God's sake. These walls did what walls are supposed to do, keep people in or out. So why are people (read Democrats and some Republicans) saying the wall won't work? We know one thing, no wall doesn't work. Sparse patrolling of the area doesn't work, partial enforcement of laws against illegals certainly does'nt work. So why in hell don't we try that which any of us who has a backyard that is fenced in knows works? Because illegal aliens ILLEGAL aliens, not LEGAL aliens, (law breakers) have family here who vote or vote themselves. They are a growing constituency. Growing more rapidly every day that fence remains un-constructed. It's well past time to "BUILD THE DAMN FENCE"!--
"... If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude than the animating contest of freedom, go from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains sit lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen!"— Samuel Adams (1722-1803)
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
So McCain won the Republican Primary in Florida. Rudy messed up, put all his costly eggs in one Floridian basket, and the gamble has cost him the Presidency. I would say good for the GOP but I don't think so if McCain is the eventual winner. McCain of the McCain/Feingold campaign reform (does anyone remember what a kook Russel Feingold is?) yet John McCain chose this miscreant to cosponsor campaign finance reform. Feingold is the guy who wants to take the teeth out of the FISA courts and lay bare the US to terrorist incursion.
Feingold is on par with the Ron Paul clot of the insane left of our nation. The McCain/Kennedy immigration amnesty abomination doesn't bode well for the future of the GOP. If Mr. McCain is elected on the credentials of his believability and credibility with mainstream conservatives. This will further polarize the Republican party. Rudy bet his bankroll on New Yorkers in Florida voting for him. What he forgot is that humans have a memory. His voting record on abortion, and tax relief is abysmal.
Fred is gone....saw the writing on the wall and decided to cut his losses. Poor Alan Keyes who is probably the most honest and intelligent man never elected, is a never was. Romney....GONE, was also pro abortion and had questionable religious beliefs (so Jesus is the brother of Satan?)
Huckabee was a surprise. I question his immigration credentials, but not his moral ones. Huckabee seemed to be the only candidate with his pants on right. Ted Kennedy endorses Obama. Which should tell anyone in America to stay the hell away from him. And Hillary is scaring the crap out of the rest of and energizing the Republican electorate. NOBODY wants her as President. Chris Matthews says there is “magic” in Obama's campaign. It's nice to see that Obama with his slave reparation beliefs hasn't been lost on Matthews. I now believe that Rev. Wright has dug Obama's political grave. And Hillary is enjoying some schadenfruede.
The media has pretty much made a self fulfilling prophecy in that they have been decrying doom and gloom for the economy half way through GWB's first term, and now the public at large are beginning to believe it and making it happen on Wall Street. The media and their employers re: “Democrat party” can now say “we told you so” the economy has failed and growth has stagnated. As my Dad would say, anyone who believes this stand on your head and fart your socks off.
Feingold is on par with the Ron Paul clot of the insane left of our nation. The McCain/Kennedy immigration amnesty abomination doesn't bode well for the future of the GOP. If Mr. McCain is elected on the credentials of his believability and credibility with mainstream conservatives. This will further polarize the Republican party. Rudy bet his bankroll on New Yorkers in Florida voting for him. What he forgot is that humans have a memory. His voting record on abortion, and tax relief is abysmal.
Fred is gone....saw the writing on the wall and decided to cut his losses. Poor Alan Keyes who is probably the most honest and intelligent man never elected, is a never was. Romney....GONE, was also pro abortion and had questionable religious beliefs (so Jesus is the brother of Satan?)
Huckabee was a surprise. I question his immigration credentials, but not his moral ones. Huckabee seemed to be the only candidate with his pants on right. Ted Kennedy endorses Obama. Which should tell anyone in America to stay the hell away from him. And Hillary is scaring the crap out of the rest of and energizing the Republican electorate. NOBODY wants her as President. Chris Matthews says there is “magic” in Obama's campaign. It's nice to see that Obama with his slave reparation beliefs hasn't been lost on Matthews. I now believe that Rev. Wright has dug Obama's political grave. And Hillary is enjoying some schadenfruede.
The media has pretty much made a self fulfilling prophecy in that they have been decrying doom and gloom for the economy half way through GWB's first term, and now the public at large are beginning to believe it and making it happen on Wall Street. The media and their employers re: “Democrat party” can now say “we told you so” the economy has failed and growth has stagnated. As my Dad would say, anyone who believes this stand on your head and fart your socks off.
The Die is Cast
Remember my Arab friends....
يسوع هو ابن الله!
So McCain won the Republican Primary in Florida. Rudy messed up, put all his costly eggs in one Floridian basket, and the gamble has cost him the Presidency. I would say good for the GOP but I don't think so if McCain is the eventual winner. McCain of the McCain/Feingold campaign reform (does anyone remember what a kook Russel Feingold is?) yet John McCain chose this miscreant to cosponsor campaign finance reform. Feingold is the guy who wants to take the teeth out of the FISA courts and lay bare the US to terrorist incursion.
Feingold is on par with the Ron Paul clot of the insane left of our nation. The McCain/Kennedy immigration amnesty abomination doesn't bode well for the future of the GOP. If Mr. McCain is elected on the credentials of his believability and credibility with mainstream conservatives. This will further polarize the Republican party. Rudy bet his bankroll on New Yorkers in Florida voting for him. What he forgot is that humans have a memory. His voting record on abortion, and tax relief is abysmal.
Fred is gone....saw the writing on the wall and decided to cut his losses. Poor Alan Keyes who is probably the most honest and intelligent man never elected, is a never was. Romney....GONE, was also pro abortion and had questionable religious beliefs (so Jesus is the brother of Satan?)
Huckabee was a surprise. I question his immigration credentials, but not his moral ones. Huckabee seemed to be the only candidate with his pants on right. Ted Kennedy endorses Obama. Which should tell anyone in America to stay the hell away from him. And Hillary is scaring the crap out of the rest of and energizing the Republican electorate. NOBODY wants her as President. Chris Matthews says there is “magic” in Obama's campaign. It's nice to see that Obama with his slave reparation beliefs hasn't been lost on Matthews. I now believe that Rev. Wright has dug Obama's political grave. And Hillary is enjoying some schadenfruede.
The media has pretty much made a self fulfilling prophecy in that they have been decrying doom and gloom for the economy half way through GWB's first term, and now the public at large are beginning to believe it and making it happen on Wall Street. The media and their hirelings “Democrat party” can now say “we told you so” the economy has failed and growth has stagnated.
As my Dad would say, anyone who believes this stand on your head and fart your socks off.
يسوع هو ابن الله!
So McCain won the Republican Primary in Florida. Rudy messed up, put all his costly eggs in one Floridian basket, and the gamble has cost him the Presidency. I would say good for the GOP but I don't think so if McCain is the eventual winner. McCain of the McCain/Feingold campaign reform (does anyone remember what a kook Russel Feingold is?) yet John McCain chose this miscreant to cosponsor campaign finance reform. Feingold is the guy who wants to take the teeth out of the FISA courts and lay bare the US to terrorist incursion.
Feingold is on par with the Ron Paul clot of the insane left of our nation. The McCain/Kennedy immigration amnesty abomination doesn't bode well for the future of the GOP. If Mr. McCain is elected on the credentials of his believability and credibility with mainstream conservatives. This will further polarize the Republican party. Rudy bet his bankroll on New Yorkers in Florida voting for him. What he forgot is that humans have a memory. His voting record on abortion, and tax relief is abysmal.
Fred is gone....saw the writing on the wall and decided to cut his losses. Poor Alan Keyes who is probably the most honest and intelligent man never elected, is a never was. Romney....GONE, was also pro abortion and had questionable religious beliefs (so Jesus is the brother of Satan?)
Huckabee was a surprise. I question his immigration credentials, but not his moral ones. Huckabee seemed to be the only candidate with his pants on right. Ted Kennedy endorses Obama. Which should tell anyone in America to stay the hell away from him. And Hillary is scaring the crap out of the rest of and energizing the Republican electorate. NOBODY wants her as President. Chris Matthews says there is “magic” in Obama's campaign. It's nice to see that Obama with his slave reparation beliefs hasn't been lost on Matthews. I now believe that Rev. Wright has dug Obama's political grave. And Hillary is enjoying some schadenfruede.
The media has pretty much made a self fulfilling prophecy in that they have been decrying doom and gloom for the economy half way through GWB's first term, and now the public at large are beginning to believe it and making it happen on Wall Street. The media and their hirelings “Democrat party” can now say “we told you so” the economy has failed and growth has stagnated.
As my Dad would say, anyone who believes this stand on your head and fart your socks off.

Can we take the chance? Obama's religious mentor hates whitey. Obama's father is a Muslim. Obama is running for the highest office of the greatest nation in the world. Does anyone but me see a problem with this? Does this give anyone pause that he may or may not have his finger on the nuclear button? He wouldn't pass a standard background check for a Secret security clearance.
His pastor should be censured by the Black community, and the Democrat party. Except the Democrats can't afford to alienate a huge portion of their base. If this pseudo-Christian was preaching his garbage in England he would be arrested for hate speech. I watched Alan Colmes of Hannity and Colmes, interview a black columnist who was asked by Colmes " are you questioning
his Christianity?" regarding Obama. He initially said "yes" but backpedaled where he should have forged ahead, and said what was on his mind. What he was about to say but was kowtowed by Colmes, is,that Christians hold each other accountable to abide by God's word. And when we act outside of God's word to be gently corrected. And if gentle correction doesn't work then more direct correction is made. That's why Paul was continually writing letters to Ephesus, and Corinth, telling his brethren to hold each other accountable to God's teachings and words. A fact that Mr. Colms and the Rev. Jeremiah Wright along with Mr. Obama who may believe the Bible or the Koran, or whatever book they are preaching from in the Trinity United Church in Chicago (I can tell you it's not MY Bible!). This man is his MENTOR, and has been proclaimed as such by Mr. Barack Hussein Obama.
Last time I checked the meaning of Mentor is:
1. a wise and trusted counselor or teacher.
2. an influential senior sponsor or supporter.
If I trust and value a senior supporter or teacher from whom I am influenced in my behavior and beliefs, I will incorporate his advice and teachings into my life. This man (Rev. Wright) has influenced a potential President of the United States. Are there any alarms going off now? No? I must just be running around saying "the Sky is falling". Well it IS. Obama's record on welfare, abortion, unions, civil rights, civil unions, homosexual agenda, marriage is abysmal
from a centrist AND conservative point of view. But the MEDIA (in capitals) is in love with him. He can do no wrong. They will not pronounce his middle name, they will not display his wife's views on race, marriage, and abortion. They will not expound on what little experience he has in legislating or executive leadership.
"... If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude than the animating contest of freedom, go from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains sit lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen!"
— Samuel Adams (1722-1803)
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