Monday, July 17, 2023

Welcome to the Purge

    Let me break this down.  I’m going to start with the most damning & damaging presidential administration since Jimmy Carter.  Because the origins, lies and consequences of this lawless bunch of charlatans are severe and long reaching.

     Our first black president, Obama, whose upbringing and placement is without question one of the most dodgy of any man since Rasputin, let alone a president of the United States.  He and his cronies are responsible for weakening every, and I do mean EVERY, institution remotely connected to America.  Every decision made by his people was not made with an eye toward improving America and Americans, at least not all Americans.  He was all about improving black America, and lessening consequences for any crimes committed by them.  Placing in positions of power and authority unqualified people, ensuring loyalty to Obama, not America or her Constitution for decades.  Creating laws to ensure that any vote cast, and millions of votes not cast, benefit black and brown America and diminish the rule of law.   The way the previous sentence reads, may lead one to think the author is racist or a white supremacist.  Nothing could be further from the  truth.  Any such assertion is laughable as I have a significant portion of negroid genes in my makeup.

     He (Obama) is responsible for the FBI (Comey) spying on the Trump campaign.  Period.  End of sentence.  To date Obama and Comey have not been held to account. No charges leveled by the DOJ under Barr nor Garland.  So I don't want to hear about equal application under the law.  Obama used the FBI/cia to spy on a political adversary.  That is undisputed.  Imagine Microsoft sending minions to Apple to gain access to any code of use.  Or China infiltrating US companies to steal and reverse engineer any or all software or hardware for China to profit from US skull sweat.

     Trump is the one guilty.  Guilty of being an outsider.  Guilty of wanting to and partially succeeding in tearing down the business as usual politics inside the Beltway.  Draining the Swamp.  He’s also guilty of being a Constitutionalist.  He’s guilty of thwarting the established globalists within our government.  He’s guilty of exposing the highly incestuous relationships between Big Pharma, Big Tech, the Radical Left, the LGTBQ? bunch (whoever the hell they are), the Unions (insert your favorite flavor here), the liberal lying media and their “journalists”, our nations colleges and universities (Marxism mills), the Deep State, ANTIFA & BLM. 

     Lastly he’s guilty of challenging the powers that be.  The DC royalty, Pelosi, McConnell, Biden, Durbin, & Schumer.  The power of these groups individually is limp at best.  Yet, working in concert to take down America they create a cacophony so loud and obnoxious you can’t help but address them, which is exactly their aim.  How do we/you address them? Depends on which group or alliance of groups you take on.   

    The Deep State needs to be addressed with Federal attention after cleaning out the DOJ and State Department.  No easy task.  But progress in exterminating (as in roaches), needs to be swift and cruel.  Enacting and enforcing hundreds of years old laws concerning treason, sedition and espionage.  Again, swift and (figuratively) bloody.

     After China released the first of the viruses designed to depopulate the world in accordance with the World Health Organization’s, Anthony Fauci (now pardoned) and Bill Gates’ desired aims, Big Pharma stepped in promising protection from this virulent virus that mutates roughly every 4 months requiring an compliant populace to dutifully roll up their sleeves to the injection of an experimental genetic therapy masquerading as a vaccine.  So when the real bad ones come along, and it will, (I firmly believe it’s already made and awaiting distribution; think Covid/Ebola), the people who are hesitant and questioning the motives of the WHO, UN, CDC,  the US government and Big Pharma and delay the “protection” they die.  This I believe is the End Game….Genetically selecting a compliant population to draw down said population.  Darwinists would call this “Natural Selection”.  Globalist call this culling.  So after culling the population, globalists would divvy up the planet’s resources.  Enforcing compliance with the selected (thanks to Obama’s military culling) generals, admirals, czars and cabinet heads standing by to quell any riots or rebellions.  Welcome to the purge.