If they can in effect outlaw this flag,
Then how long before they outlaw this one?
Or this image?
Or this one?
This is happening in California and Connecticut.
This site is a collaboration between my daughter and editor Angela and myself. She orders my thoughts and makes me seem lucid. Lucidity not being a requirement to write.
Wednesday, March 04, 2015
Netanyahu Speaks
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu speaks before Joint Session of Congress
A very important speech that probably won't be acted upon until 2016. I just hope it's not too late.
Saturday, February 28, 2015
From an email and picture speaking about the Pillars of Islam
Referencing the above picture:
The only problem I have with the picture is the word "Radical". It isn't radical Islam we are at war with, it's Islam period.
If it weren't there'd be a lot more "moderates" speaking out coming forward to point out the evils. They are not. Maybe out of fear. But I believe its complicity.
They also believe in their black little hearts that this is the way things are supposed to be and by their inaction are supporting the cause of Islam. We are in a new Crusade, but Christians haven't noticed yet.
Our leadership is in bed with the Muslim Brotherhood, has our FBI trained by CAIR and will not call terrorists by their name. He (Obama), refuses to even say radical and Islam in the same sentence.
I see "COEXIST" bumper stickers and marvel at the stupidity. No doubt in my little pea brain that our President is an America hating muslim, or at the very least a pro-muslim atheist.
Thursday, February 26, 2015
Dupes, primary conspirators, co-conspirators, and
willful idiots. Power whores, brokers, and junkies. In two
sentences I've described every person in our DC government. Our president, is using the power of
his office to “fundamentally change” our country. Pro- Islam,
anti-Christian, pro- illegal immigrant, anti-citizen.
Rudy Guliani has been pilloried by the
media for his apt description of Obama, by questioning his love of
country. All evidence points to his hate for America. Born and
raised in a Muslim/Communist household, taught in a Muslim school,
admiring the muezzin, our president has been influenced by Muslims,
communists, and “Christians” that hate America. These are
indisputable facts. Yet our media had failed us, our Democrat
Senate has failed us by failing to vet our president. Failing to
validate his bona-fides. Failures, and complicity. Either they've
failed to do the job, or they are complicit in his presence in U.S.
Government. The trail is long, from Occidental college, Harvard,
Community Organizer, U.S. Senator, to President and traitor.
He has removed our troops from the
battlefield in Iraq before the job is done and the same in
Afghanistan. He traded the traitor, Bergdahl, for terrorists in
Guantanamo; yet Americans are still asleep.
The perfect storm has
occurred. Cleanup is necessary. The time for Americans to act is
now. Our Congress has refused to act when presented with clear
evidence. Sheriff Joe Arpaio has done the investigation, following
all the rules of evidence. He tried to get the 9th
Circuit to indict, but they've refused to hear the evidence.
Net Neutrality is all about control,
and crushing dissent. They scream “keep the net neutral” because
their message is weak and failing. Once they are able to silence the
dissenters, (the canaries in the proverbial coal mine), then their
task will be a fait accompli. The goal is to silence us, with no way
for people to speak out, organize and otherwise continue to advocate
for the Constitution and stay a burr in the side of big government.
George Soros and the Ford Foundation have dumped more than 200
million dollars into the pro-net neutrality political machine.
don't think it matters? What I've written here will get me fined,
banned, sidelined, imprisoned if the FCC's rules are codified. As
tyranny continues to grow, the consequences will be execution. You
see where speaking your mind and following your beliefs gets you in
Libya Yemen, Oman, Iran, Iraq, Turkey and on the doorstep of Europe?
Coming to a theater or stadium near you!
Resist, fight, speak out,
continue to continue. Persevere. Be of good courage and cheer. God
is truly on our side, as this tyranny is not of God.http://spectator.org/articles/36529/gospel-according-wright