Monday, October 15, 2007

Random Thoughts

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Proposals by the Democrat party:

Socialized Health Care. We have abundant examples of the failure of Socialized Health Care. Canada for one, has a waiting list of 6 months for a choleosystectomy (gall bladder removal). All sorts of horror stories are coming from the UK, where people are left to die in hallways and not discovered for days. Russia has no health care to speak of, and that is the end of the track to which socialized health care is heading.
That is not to say that US hospitals are immune from neglect. There is a push and shove between hospitals, HMO's, Big Insurance, lawyers and congress, none of which can agree on tort reform which is the essence of the problem. Lawyers not only charge exorbitant fees for plaintiffs in medical malpractice, they go after huge awards of which there is no ceiling. This has a domino effect requiring doctors to either charge more for their services or quit doctoring altogether, as is the case with many OB/Gyn doctors and Emergency Room physicians.

Here is the calculus:

1.Lawyers are scum, they own Washington and comprise most of the public offices. If they are not in office they have tons of friends in office.
2.Lawyers get their way because they have friends in office or are in office themselves. (So for the foreseeable future there will probably be no tort reform).
3.Lawyers love malpractice suits where people die, they see dollar signs. They go to sleep with dollar signs with big boobs dancing seductively in their dreams. Jury's' who will see family members sobbing always award big bucks. Poor Billy Bob who smoked for 30 years died of cancer. Then we see the family wanting some money because he was addicted to cigarettes and died of the habit. You don't see heroin addicts going after Afghani farmers, or cocaine addicts going after Columbian importers.
Litigiousness is out of control. Daisy BB Guns sued because their product shoots bb's. Lawsuits are pursued against Jack Daniels because their product inebriates people, so the COMPANY is at fault. Personal responsibility is what the whole shebang boils down to. It doesn't exist anymore. It's not taught by a great measure of our population. It's no longer espoused as the honorable thing to do. When you do something wrong or stupid, own up to it. Or as the kids say “Man Up”.

Admissions I'd like to hear are:

Cigarette Smokers - “I knew cigarettes would kill me, but I didn't care. I liked the way they made me feel.”
Burglars – “I know I shouldn't steal, and that man had every right to shoot me in the ass as I made off with his stuff.”
Murderers – “I knew I shouldn't a killed that woman, and I deserve to die because of it.”
Members of Congress – “I know I've taken money from bad people to do their bidding in Congress, but I promise from now on I'll work for the people.”
Brittany Spears – “I need parenting class and an island where I can't get high.”
Alan Colmes – “I'm a liberal and I need HELP!”
Alcoholics – “I know I'm a drunk, but nobody forces me to drink. I'm just a self destructive SOB.”
Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi – “I'm a kook and a lawyer and I need to be put out of your misery.”
Ted Kennedy – “I'm a drunk lawyer and a liberal and I need to be put out of your misery.”
Hillary Clinton- “You wouldn't even know me if it weren't for my philandering ex-President of a husband. You shouldn't even elect me dog catcher.”

Immigration will be the deciding factor in the 2008 elections. Border security is a joke, always has been.
People in the legislative and executive branch are guilty of collusion with Mexico and Big Business to keep the flow of cheap labor coming. That's why there is all this foot dragging. No brain surgery there. They just lie, tell us one thing and do another.

In the same vein, (National Security) the Iraq war needs to be won, pulling out is exactly what we did in Viet Nam. We put our boys and girls in harms way to do a job and if the Dems get their way, we will bring them home before it's done, only to have to fight it here. Makes me sad and angry: Sad, because there will be the same sense of futility for our Iraqi veterans that our Viet Nam vets feel. Angry, because I know there will be MUCH more bloodshed by terrorists bent on killing Westerners that could have been averted if we'd only stayed and done the job. It's the ebb and flow of hawks and doves, Republicans and Democrats.

The Fairness Doctrine is anything but fair. It's censorship plain and simple. It would affect radio both AM and FM, TV, public speaking, church pulpits, soap boxes, and blogs. But you can bet your behind that the already liberal media will be considered moderated already and exempted from this doctrine. Since when is it Congresses business to be watchdog of AM radio, Media Matters who gets it's marching orders from George Soros and other liberals has gone after Rush Limbaugh with claw hammers, by taking one paragraph totally out of context, and exploiting it to revive this stinking carcass called the Fairness Doctrine. Not only should this law be buried, but cremated and it's ashes scattered on the nearest dairy farm along with all the other BS.

Again, another semi- coherent rant. A lot is happening, and fast. Fasten your seat belts it's going to be a scary ride to the '08 elections.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Putin and Ahmadinijad

Why is Russia supplying Iran with Nuclear technology? Why is Russia supplying Syria with weapons? Granted, they are cash-strapped, twisting arms in Belarus and Azerbaijan, and holding Europe hostage all as a result of the mob (see KGB/GRU) running the government... not because of the lack of capitalism. The capitalists went to Russia in droves after communism fell in 1989, and started to make some money back on investments but soon found that the "good ole boys" network was now translated into Russian. If you didn't grease the right palms or pay the right bureaucrat you didn't get to do business there. The evil people of the Communist regime are still around and they are making and selling arms and technology to our enemies. Just ask Alexander Litvinenko ....oh, I guess you can't. Well we can always depend on a free and independent media to uncover governmental misdeeds, just ask Anna Politkovskaya...oh, I guess you can't ask her either. She and Alexander are in a tea room in heaven. Apparently "Seeing his (Putin's) soul" doesn't translate to watching his hands sticking knives in your back. It appears Russia’s biggest export is thugs. Poor GWB wants to believe people have the best intentions, except when they tell you they want you dead, (see Ahamdinejad). Why does no one believe him? Hell, I do. And I think he should be dead instead of me and my family.
In a country where such things are done with no accountability, no oversight, or maybe with official oversight, what else can we expect? We see governmental misconduct unchecked by any official committee or watchdog group, unless you count Human Rights Watch, which turns a blind eye to anyone but the United States and GITMO. How do you reign in a strong member of the UN Security Council who is in cahoots with China on policy for oil and nuclear proliferation? You don't. The old question "where does a 900 lb gorilla sit?" fits. They still have the brain power to export their expertise to other countries without the all encumbering conscience that should go with it. We have a program to basically buy Russian nuclear weapons paying Russia not to sell their nukes to other bad guys, but apparently we are lowest bidder (terrorists pay more). We've got our fingers in so many holes in the dike, that we need to take off our shoes and use our toes.. Admitting Israel into NATO is a good start letting those who would do harm know how civilized nations feel (getting Muslim-influenced Europe on board will be a chore). It also has the consequence of propping up the only Democracy in the Middle East. This should be done sooner rather than later. Enough kowtowing to Syria and Iran and now Lebanon, the only thing they understand is destruction and superior force. Pelosi has undermined US policy in the Middle East the same way Kennedy did with Russia when Regan was in office. Just a rant. Sorry I’ll be more coherent in the future.