Saturday, April 21, 2007

Stuff you should know

You would think that someone so supposedly concerned with our troops and our overseas presence would want all the information he or she could garner concerning those assets. Mrs. Pelosi's snubbing of Gen. Petraus' briefing, will be seen by the far left as just desserts for a Bush crony, while the rest of the world will know it for what it is....sour grapes, and an unwillingness to deal with the real issues on the ground in the Middle East. Her recent trip to Damascus, not withstanding; for that is another means of manipulation for another time (see previous post). Here is another example of the Democrat Speaker of the House ignoring national security interests for political gain....again! Her actions continue to score points with a constituency ever more shrill and unbalanced. Those who would be influenced by international powerhouses and mental masters of political affairs like Sean Penn, Michael Moore, and Susan Sarandon, somehow always seem to be close to the camera and microphone. I wish my hand were on the plug so I could pull it when they start.
Harry Reid. What can be said about Harry that hasn't already been said more eloquently by others? Nothing much, but perhaps it's time for a not so eloquent enumeration of his major flaw: He's anti-American. Period. How else could you describe the Senate Majority Leader speaking for the MAJORITY, telling our enemies not to worry, because "we are losing the war"? He's not just telling our enemies but our allies and our troops. Granted, our enemies and our "allies" (emphasis added) need no such encouragement, for our allies are besieged by liberals within their own government and their own media dogs.
Compulsory military training would do away with the privileged existence of most of the liberal Democrat party. It would instill in them the necessary knowledge and experience to intelligently speak on subjects as elected leaders tasked with the lawful requirement to wage war. We who have served know that there are those that have slid by and have just "gotten along" in the military, though they are few, they usually get out after one hitch anyway. The numbers who would slide by would be exponentially smaller when boiled down in the political pot from which we select our leaders.
The removal of our troops from this conflict before the job is done will be catastrophic will resonate globally. It will embolden the Islamofacists, whether they are American, Arabic, Indonesian, African or European. It will have such a devastating effect on the morale of our troops, which we would be unlikely to recover from. Incidentally, it is markedly high now, considering the number of attacks they receive from the enemies in Iraq, within the US government and media. It will undermine our national credibility in doing what we promised by bringing democracy to a part of the world desperately in need of fair government. Our nearness to Iran is another reason why we should retain a presence there. While Ahmedinajad is pursuing his nuclear ambitions, contrary to every civilized nation in the world, closer is better than farther.
When Israel finally decides that it’s had enough meddling by Iranian-sponsored Hezbollah and Hamas and bombs Iran back to the Stone Age after years of restraint, we will need those troops in place. The United States, Israel's only ally, will need to be close by to keep the hordes from descending. Our "new sheriff in town" Pelosi and her brood don't seem to understand this. Even Syria understands this, that's why it is making such an effort in bamboozling Pelosi. Saudi Arabia and their royal court mostly understand this, and are working behind the scenes because Iran's Shiite Islamic caliphate is not in their interests; though there are those within the Saudi government who are financing terrorism and Qutbist as well as Wahabbi style mosques. They, with fanatical smiles, would gladly bring about Armageddon. We should address directly those in other countries and Saudi Arabia proper, who are spreading hate and fomenting conflict throughout the world. Since they are operating with mosques in our country we should demand to operate churches in theirs. Though Christians who would readily go there as missionaries may be hard to come by, I know they exist. Nowhere is there a more hostile environment for religious differences than in countries that are predominantly Islamic.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Pelosi In Syria

Nancy Pelosi and Ted Kennedy are both guilty of trying to undermine a sitting President. Kennedy while Regan was in office went to Moscow to try and bolster his (Kennedy's) support with the Russians and further his anti Republican agenda by advising them that the Regan administration was only temporary and that the pesky "Star Wars" spending spree was only a phase. They could out wait it. Thanks to Ronald Regan sticking to his guns, they not only didn't out wait it, they fell under the economic pressure and the Communist regime of the USSR was no more. Much to Teddy's chagrin.
Pelosi on the other hand went to Syria to tell Bashar Assad that Israel and the US were ready to restart the peace process even though Hezbollah and Hamas were still being supplied arms by Syria and Iran. A precondition to resuming of peace talks with Israel i.e..that Syria renounce terrorism and quit supplying terrorist organizations and recognize Israeli s right to exist as a nation. She spoke half truths and outright lies, in saying that Israel was ready to resume the peace talks, and in the process undermined President Bush s dictum to not deal with State sponsors of terror until they renounce said sponsorship.
I have to ask the question. What does Speaker Pelosi think she is doing? Where do her loyalties lie? With the Democrat party and nowhere else. I seriously doubt that she is even loyal to Americans. Hiding behind our fear to not call Democrats on their patriotism can no longer be tolerated. Her trip to the Middle East was ill conceived in that she went on the pretense of diplomacy when she had no mandate and no plan to do it. She does not speak for the United States on any level other than to represent her Democrat underlings. She didn't speak to or retain anything from the primary players (i.e. Israel, and Iran). While she got the standard State Department briefing "wear hijab, walk 10 paces behind men, do not shake hands with men". There must've been no other prep..
Assad sat back and nodded knowingly because he knows he and his Secret Police are complicit in the assassination of Lebanese PM Rafik Hariri. She went with her own agenda and walked away with the satisfaction of thinking that she has taken a first step on the road to a great diplomatic career. The trip was a throw away. A non-trip. A boondoggle. She went with no other intention than to appear as a player on the international stage. She has no qualifications for the job, nor does she have the demeanor.
Placing herself in the role of subjugated female, Pelosi in the presence of President Assad by wearing a hijab, she not only denied her mission, she denied her country. I understand the need for assuming the attire and customs of a people being visited (i.e. shaking hands with the right hand because the left is unclean, not showing the soles of your feet for fear of insult). But Speaker Pelosi went to Syria with the supposed mission of representing the United States of America. And I m not sure but I doubt that she wears a hijab in the Senate building. Maybe she should wear one all the time so that we would know where her loyalties lie.
Syria is a major source for infiltration of foreign fighters across the borders into Iraq and most probably the destination for Saddam Hussein s weapons of mass destruction stockpiles. Does anybody remember over a hundred flights from Baghdad to Syria using Iranian aircraft with no manifests and no passengers? Did Speaker Pelosi speak to President Assad about these issues? The answer is decidedly no . She went there for her own glorification and no other reason other than to undermine a sitting President which she and her party abhor.